Wow! The rewilding project and your own gardening are so beautiful and commendable from someone who hates weeding (hence no gardening). "it takes a lot of work to do the work you love, but I wouldn’t trade it." Absolute truth. I try to convey the same love I have for running but the work can only be experienced to be appreciated. BTW I gave my wife the earrings and print I got from you and she absolutely LOVES both...she hasn't taken the earrings off since Mother's Day. I'm sure I'll be perusing your shop again. Thank you for all this, Roshni.

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That’s makes me so happy to hear!! Thank you!!

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May 17Liked by Roshni Robert

I read this aloud to Sunflower Man & broke down in tears before I was halfway through.

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May 17Liked by Roshni Robert

Ohh give us the juicy details of the rewilding controversy? I have my assumptions, but I want to hear it from you!

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Ha! There’s just a lot of kerfuffle about whether rewilding is just letting a space go (which it is not!) vs. gardening something to simulate nature- Any altered space can be considered a garden, in my opinion. Even when that space is gardened to look like nature made it. I think the term itself is misleading for people. But I fail to see how bringing native plants and reclaiming space for nature could ever be considered a bad thing!

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May 18Liked by Roshni Robert

That makes sense to me and I love this topic. I started working for a small gardening/landscaping company last year so I still have so much to learn. But I had a thought today that if we stopped weeding, grass and ivy would take over the world. I definitely would love to read more about your gardening jobs in future newsletters!

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That’s so nice, thanks for the encouragement! And message me anytime you want to talk gardening!!! And yes, invasive stuff will just take over if we leave spaces alone in some cases! Some thoughtful intervention goes a long way!💕💕

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Thank you! Yes, I’d love to hear more about your work in Oklahoma.

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